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TinotopiaLog → American TV and Prudery, Revisited ( 5 Mar 2002)
Tuesday 05 March 2002

American TV and Prudery, Revisited

I am, as I’ve said here before, mystified by the prudery of American TV. I don’t necessarily have a problem with editing things for broadcast television; prime-time broadcast TV should be something you can watch with your grandmother without feeling squeamish.

What I don’t understand or approve of is strange editing for seemingly no purpose. The Smoking Gun has an account, with pictures, of a mystifying reworking of Diamonds are Forever as shown on ABC recently. Basically, a bra is drawn on an actress (as seen from behind), and her underwear is re-colored from flesh-tone to black. Frankly, the black undies are sexier anyway.

So, in this case at least, it’s not boobies that are potentially destructive to American society, but the mere thought of unclothed boobies. My God.

Posted by tino at 12:31 5.03.02
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I think the current Attorney General has shown the danger of bare boobies — he had the sense to cover them up. Obviously, they are EEEVVVUUULL.

Posted by: Nicole at March 5, 2002 12:47 PM